Monday, November 5, 2012

Just Kidding

I have deleted to many blogs, and as I went through this one, to save some of my personal posts for future reflection, I felt pained to press the little delete button in the corner. Maybe I should get over my shit (yes relatives, this is my blog and in blogs, it is ok to cuss) and just keep me freakin blog. Im torn. For now it stays up, I have never shared my blog on facebook for the reason that I don't want my friends or people I know in general to know about my blog. Sorry, I am just intimidated for you. I live in a very judging generation, you can't blame me.

Thanks for the understanding.

Project Blog

Hey everyone, today I realized that I am completely intimidated by the fact that my relatives have read peices of my blog. This shows that honest blogging is not for me, which I didn't realize earlier. Thanks everyone for reading my blog, due to this newfound fact, it is going to be a little different from now on.

A Little Fringe will now be just posts with projects I have worked on, and things I have created, as well as tutorials. Sorry for those of you who liked my posts, occasionally you will see a person reflection from yours truly.
