Friday, May 11, 2012

4 o'clock

     Recently I took a trip to Nepal which is almost exactly halfway around the world from where I live. The trip was positively incredible. I went to Nepal once when I was 11 and went back this year, it has been a long time. Anyway, I don't have too much to write about the trip since it has passed, but it left me with two things.
1. A cough
2. Major jetlag
     It is a twelve hour difference so my schedule is opposite. I am starting to get back on track with Mountain Time but I still wake up too early. Today I woke up at 4 and decided not to go back to bed. Instead of much needed sleep, I turned on Netflix! Yes, I am a guilty person who loves Netflix unconditionally. Anyway, I watched a movie called "The Fall" I had watched it the day before and loved it so much that I watched it this morning. Between the creative of the movie, the incredible acting, and the adorable main character who happens to be my favorite actor, It's a pretty awesome movie. Anyway, after that I moved on to facebook, of course. Unfortunately I have a very boring facebook life, and to no surprise there was nothing new for me to look at. It is my aunts birthday so I was able to accomplish something and wish her a happy birthday. Once I had completed my facebook time, I checked my email (nothing new) I checked my yahoo account (again, nothing new), then I checked Deviant Art for new messages and surprise I got one new message, and lastly I went on Etsy to look for a birthday presant for my mom. And that's the routine, it took me about thirty minutes and then I was left with a wide open Internet full of opportunities that I have no desire to explore. So I ended up here, voila! So yeah, Kind of a boring post but you totally got a good movie out of it. Watch the movie ASAP because Netflix will probably remove it soon, or not. Enjoy

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